Crown7 HYDRO Imperial USB Charger

4 REVIEWS Write a Review
1.00 LBS
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USB charger for your Crown7 Hydro Imperial E-Cigarette.

Using chargers other than the Hydro Imperial charger for the Hydro Imperial battery may cause a fire or damage to your product. Never leave a battery unattended while charging. Please go to for additional safety information for charging your battery.

4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    USB Charger

    Posted by Sharon on 14th Dec 2013

    Very good and easy to use, i'v not had any problems with any of their products. I use to smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day sometimes more the Crown 7 products has made it possible for me to quite smoking real cigarettes in just 2 months.
    Their products are very satisfying and really does help you quit smoking.

  • 5
    Extra charger for my car!

    Posted by Ré Rosch on 16th Jan 2013

    Now I don't need to switch out my charger, I can just leave one in my car. So convenient!

  • 5
    I really needed this!

    Posted by Phyllis on 4th Dec 2012

    I only had one and I left home without it and totally regretted it. Now I have a spare in the car! Love the product, the quality, price and Customer Service is bar none.

  • 5
    Great for work

    Posted by John on 4th Nov 2011

    Since my work is done solely on the computer I purchased this charger to use at work. Since I have had it, my workdays have been a lot better since my e cig is always charged. The option to charge my device with my computer is perfect for
    working professionals, and I love using it while I work!

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