I have just learned that the supplement I developed to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease has reached its expiration date. Because of this, it will be on a final sale at half-price.
What happens when vitamin C tablets reach their expiration date? That means they only have 99% of the original level of vitamin C on the label. Since each tablet has 500 mg of vitamin C, the expired pills have 495 mg, still plenty to be effective. In another 2 years, if stored in a cool, dry place, they will only have 490 mg, still fine. I personally plan to buy a supply to last me another 10 years, which is 60 bottles. I will keep them in a box in my basement.
I hope long before they are used up, I will get funding for clinical trials to prove the claims in my publication, The paper states that Triumph is likely to reduce your risk for cancer and heart disease. The vitamin K in Triumph decalcifies arteries. The combination of vitamin C and K in Triumph is able to kill single cancer cells. Triumph was designed to be inexpensive insurance to support a long healthspan. That insurance is now 50% off. I plan to get my policy for the next 10 years – 60 bottles. – Roc Ordman,, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry
Triumph is a High Potency Vitamin C, K and Chromium with Turmeric and Sulforaphane Glucosinolate.
1: Covid-19 Defense & Treatment By:Rhonda Patrick, PhD, is an American biochemist who has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition
● Vitamin C, 500 mg-1000mg, 3-4 times per day (possibly hourly doses of 1000 mg of
Vitamin C for the first 6 hours and then 3 times daily thereafter. See here)
○ "Overall, reported flu and cold symptoms in the test group decreased 85%
compared with the control group after the administration of megadose Vitamin
2: There is a lot of published research showing vitamin C reduces the risk for getting corona virus, and at high doses can treat corona virus. Here is summary and linkto the definitive paper. Research supports 250 to 500 mg twice a day for prevention, 2 g vitamin C + 10mg vitamin K1 twice a day if you have symptoms.
I was skeptical, but friends asked me to inquire. To my surprise, there is significant published evidence that supplementation with vitamin C protects against viral infection, even corona viruses. Up to 500 mg twice a day is safe for daily life (take Mito-C), but at least 1,000 twice a day should be taken at the first symptoms of a respiratory infection. Combining vitamin K1 with the vitamin C should make it much more effective (Triumph-not yet for sale). Analysis of 9 clinical trials: Extra doses of vitamin C could benefit some patients who contract the common cold despite taking daily vitamin C supplements (1). Intravenous vitamin C as adjunctive therapy for enterovirus/rhinovirus induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (2). In particular, three controlled trials with human subjects reported a significantly lower incidence of pneumonia in vitamin C-supplemented groups, 6 suggesting that vitamin C may affect susceptibility to lower respiratory tract infections (3).
3: Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
…. high dose vitamin C appears to be the most important once infected.
4: From: Andrew Saul <
"Vitamin C is already being used to prevent and treat COVID-19 in China and in Korea. And it is working. I think you should know about this, and I would prefer that the news media saw to it. But, instead, they are seeing to it that you are kept afraid. That rankles me. Information about vitamin C as an antiviral could not be more needed than it is now. Research by well-qualified, experienced physicians is not “fake news” and it is not “false information.” I think you must have questions about all this, and I am going to volunteer my time to try to answer a good many of them Wednesday, March 4 at 3 PM eastern time. I hope you can join me. If you can’t, sign up anyway and you’ll get word of the replay.
5:Can VITAMIN C beat coronavirus? It boosts brains, combats sepsis and tackles colds… no wonder China’s doctors are racing to test its effects on deadly outbreak
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